尚Hair iOS iPad App Design, Development & Production
Tag: iOS App (iPhone / iPad), 尚 Hair, 尚 Hair II Salon

iOS iPad App 
Available on the App Store
http://itunes.apple.com/ hk/app/shanghair/ id456886842?mt=8

尚Hair iPad App giving you access to the latest information, keep connection & make appointment with 尚Hair.

尚Hair a Professional Hair Salon Group founded by a Hong Kong Professional Team (I Forward Group) & open a New Brand in Shenzhen, China with their master experience, professional technique and hair passion to serve their customers. A vision from 尚Hair wish to change and upgrade the hair salons business to be more and highly respected by people in different countries.

尚Hair iPad App 提供更快更新之 尚Hair 資訊,更可於 App 內進行預約功能,與 尚Hair 保持聯絡。

「髮」現專業‧「髮」現 尚Hair

尚Hair, 是一個註香港專業髮型創作集團 (I Forward Group) 而設於中國深圳之一個全新專業美髮髮型品牌,憑著豐富經 驗、專業技術及熱情去招待每一位顧客。 尚Hair 為美髮界不斷作出專業的貢獻精神及將這精神推廣到國內不 同城市以至全世界。

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